Miss Mystery.

37733360_10212341940492512_3920235857600053248_nWay too often in a girl’s life is she perceived as too much or too little. She is too dramatic. She has too much baggage. She is too sensitive and overly emotional. OR, she is not enough. She is not intriguing enough. She is not interesting enough. She is not doing enough. She is not showing enough. She is not…. Perfect.

We are OH so complicated and it is OH so scary to try to understand us. What we don’t hear enough though, is how beautiful this feminine complexity can be. We are not a puzzle to solve and there’s not some sort of manual that will give you all the answers. The answers to why we are the way we are and how to fix us, manage us, or solve the puzzle. But don’t let this scare you boys and girls…. Embrace it.

Women are meant to be searched, known, and explored. Deep down in the heart of every woman, you will find a longing to be seen, known, and loved. In Song of Songs 4:12, Solomon says to his bride, “A garden closed you are, my sister, my bride. A garden closed, a fountain sealed”. The bride of Solomon’s interior life and femininity is hidden to the human eye which makes her enticing and alluring. Guys, the perfume on her neck does not serve the mere purpose of getting you into bed with her: it was designed to draw you to something much deeper within herself. I guess you could say it is to draw you to HERSELF as a whole. Body AND soul.

Solomon is intrigued by his bride and he desires to come to know her whole-self. This “fountain” and “garden” belongs to the woman and it is hers to give. JPII says she “presents herself to the eyes of the man as the master of her own mystery”. This mystery of women is intriguing for the sake of being explored. She expresses herself as a “gift” that she alone gives, so I implore you men, not to grab at her heart, but to search it.

The more a man explores a woman, the more he is propelled up the hill of Calvary to the Cross. She leads him right to the sacrament of marriage that is full of grace and holiness through her feminine mystery safeguarded by the virtue of chastity. Chastity does not mean never. Chastity means “I do” choose to explore you, know you, and love you thoroughly for all the days of my life.

So, that is the challenge I propose to you today. Boys, it is okay that you can’t fix her. Your challenge is to simply come to know her. And girls, you are not too little, you are not too much, you were made just right. I would even dare to say that you are beautifully and wonderfully made in the image and likeness of your Creator and Savior that loves you and knows you more intimately than anybody ever will and He accepts you and adores you in ALL of your ways. Even the parts of you that you don’t like.